Ha! True that. RT @bibliata: @revkevinwalker you have an iPhone? AJ Tomlinson would turn in his grave #ourCOG
Ha! True that. RT @bibliata: @BroKEV83 you have an iPhone? AJ Tomlinson would turn in his grave #ourCOG »
Ha! True that. RT @bibliata: @BroKEV83 you have an iPhone? AJ Tomlinson would turn in his grave #ourCOG »
@PastorSterling 2 aspirins + a prayer = 8 hrs of heaven on earth #ourCOG »
@BroKEV83 you have an iPhone? AJ Tomlinson would turn in his grave #ourCOG »
this is too awkward - we should start a real time chat on http://ourcog.org/ for #ourCOG peeps »