


95 Thesis of Dr. Martin Luther

Out of love and zeal for truth and the desire to bring it to light, the following theses will be publicly discussed at Wittenberg under the chairmanship of the reverend father Martin Lutther, Master of Arts and Sacred Theology and regularly appointed Lecturer on these subjects at that place. He requests that those who cannot […] »

RAPTURE: The Zechariah Effect

Zechariah, I propose, provides us a profound look at exactly that: “The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD,... »

Pentecostal Aesthetics Theological Reflections In A Pentecostal Philosophy Of Art And Aesthetics, Written By Steven Félix Jäger

book reviews 221 Steven Félix-Jäger Pentecostal Aesthetics: Theological Reflections in a Pentecostal Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics(Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2015). 177pp. $71.00 paper.... »