Why do evangelicals support the state of Israel & modern…
Why do evangelicals support the state of Israel & modern Jews when clearly they hate Christ, define themselves by denying him, & hold racial supremacist beliefs against the goyim? »
Why do evangelicals support the state of Israel & modern Jews when clearly they hate Christ, define themselves by denying him, & hold racial supremacist beliefs against the goyim? »
Proofs that Allah is Jesus from Qur’an 1) Qur’an states only Allah can speak in parables (Surah 24:35; Surah 14:25). Jesus speaks in parables in the Bible that no other prophet ever told (Matthew 13:34, 35; Psalms 78:2; Isaiah 6:9, 10). 2) Qur’an says that only Allah will return on the clouds on the Last Day (Surah 2:210). The Bible says that Jesus will return on the clouds quite... »
Iglesia de Dios el Sinai is seeking a music leader. For more information, please email [email protected]. The post Worship Leader, Ft. Washington, Md. appeared first on Church Of God. »
Rev. Miguel Cancel Arroyo, an exhorter from Puerto Rico, passed away on December 26, 2021. The post Miguel Cancel Arroyo, Puerto Rico appeared first on Church Of God. »