
Romanian Bible University Property Situation

Romanian Bible University Property Situation


Church of God Winterfest 2014 Promo

For more information visit http://winterfest2014.com. »

A Brighter Tomorrow Awaits Your Church

If God can save any person, He can save any church. No church should die. Ever. Perhaps a church is far gone, deep into a toxic state of disunity. Perhaps a church has decades of decline. Perhaps a church has veered far from doctrinal convictions. Would the death of these churches advance the kingdom? Would... The post A Brighter Tomorrow Awaits Your Church appeared first on Church Answers. »

North Cleveland Live-Sunday, January 23, 2022 6:30PM

North Cleveland Live-Sunday, January 23, 2022 6:30PM

Join us LIVE for SURGE January 23-25! Tonight’s guest speaker is Christy Sawyer. Christy Sawyer is an anointed speaker/teacher who is passionate about lives being transformed by the redemptive power of God’s grace. New to North Cleveland? Click here: https://nccog.com/imnew Did you give your life to Christ today? Click here: https://nccog.com/connect Partner with us! Click here: https:... »