
Thousands Of Germans Protest Against #Chrislam

By Theodore Shoebat 17,500 Germans gathered together today, singing traditional Christian songs, to carry Christian crosses as an expression of Christian supremacy, to protest against Islam, and to fight off the Islamization of Germany. They are part of a very passionate group called PEDIDA or Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the Occident, and they are here to make sure Germany rema... »

5 Signs of Demonic Possession

5 Signs of Demonic Possession


Fall Update

Main Event in Hixson, TN Israel tour registration closing  Unusual Prophecies Being Fulfilled - Part 8 Television Contracts Read more... »

What’s the significance or importance or relevance of Israel? I…

What’s the significance or importance or relevance of Israel? I…

What’s the significance or importance or relevance of Israel? I used to be very pro Israel because it seemed it was the right thing to do, given David says to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and so many other verses of God’s love for Israel. But what about the church being the Israel of God? I know there’s gonna be a war there or a certain number of them will be saved at a certai... »