
Youth Pastor, Greenville, S.C.

A Youth Pastor is needed at Park Place Church. We are reaching our city for Jesus! This would be a part-time position that will soon become full-time. Applicant needs be […] The post Youth Pastor, Greenville, S.C. appeared first on Church Of God. »

Josefine Murgado, Haltom City, Texas

Rev. Josefine Murgado, a retired exhorter from Haltom City, Texas, passed away on December 3, 2021. The post Josefine Murgado, Haltom City, Texas appeared first on Church Of God. »

Who actually wrote the Quran? Here’s an evidence that proves…

Who actually wrote the Quran? Here’s an evidence that proves that Mr. Muhammad was fales, an opportunist and a manipulator. During Mr. Muhammad’s life days, a man converted to Islam and used to unknowingly played the deceptive game with him. Later discovered that Mr. Muhammad is Devilish and doesn’t know anything about the true God. Read what he later said, ……… Narrated Anas: The... »

CNN: Pope Benedict to resign

CNN: Pope Benedict to resign

Rome (CNN) — Pope Benedict XVI will resign on February 28, his spokesman Father Federico Lombardi told CNN Monday. The 85-year-old pope is resigning “because of advanced age,” Benedict told the cardinals of the Catholic Church on Monday. “Strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to re... »