
Men’s Discipleship Appoints Hispanic Regional Leader

Men’s Discipleship Appoints Hispanic Regional Leader ... »

Layers of Paul’s Theology, Part 1

Romans 9–11 is densely packed with Jewish theology (of course it is, this is Paul we are talking about!). Unfortunately that theology is often misinterpreted by a non-Jewish reader who does not understand the nuances. Dr. Schaser takes us thro... »

20 NEW Business Rules for Being a COG Pastor

Posted on December 15, 2007 by travjohnson 1. If you want to be productive in the office, only open COG mail when your address is printed on the envelope. Toss the labeled mail or youll be riddled with paper cuts from the voluminous piles of spam. 2. Never say, Hey Doc. 3. If there is no nursery available at COG rallies, conventions, camp meetings where your family is typically expected to be with... »

Technology= no honorarium

Posted on March 31, 2008 by Steve Wright Hey Guys, Check out Mark Batterson. He is bringing in world-class communicators to speak at his church via video. Kinda cool. What are your thoughts on this How could we use this in our circle/world Also, here is another post about it from Perry Noble. Here is the video talking about it. Filed under: technology | 5 Comments » »