
Perry Stone 2019-01-21 00:01:59

Today, the 15th day of Shevat is also called Tu B’shvat. , which is simply translated as the 15th of Shevat – the “tu” being the pronunciation of the Hebrew letters, tet and vav, that together have the value fifteen. Tu b’shvat is regarded as the new year for trees and is commemorated with the […] »

India’s urban challenge

By Fareed Zakaria “In 1951, there were only five cities in India with a population above 1 million and just 41 above a meagre 100,000,” writes David Pilling in the Financial Times. “At that time, most of India’s 360m people lived in 560,000 villages. Now there are at least 53 cities, or ‘urban agglomerations,’ in the term used by demographers, with a population above 1 million and three above 10 m... »

Conns to be Honored During Lee Homecoming

Conns to be Honored During Lee Homecoming ... »

Prayer Fever

Prayer Fever

In 1857 a businessman by the name of Jeremiah Lamphier felt led by God to start a prayer meeting for business people in downtown New York.  He desired a place of prayer and wanted to open it to any business people that might want to pray for a f... »