
watching the game in Houston while working through some very old church archive… http… http://goo.gl/fb/k7Wjw #ourCOG

watching the game in Houston while working through some very old church archive… http… http://goo.gl/fb/k7Wjw #ourCOG »

1st winter in Maryland

1st winter in Maryland

What a sight this morning!! I woke up to almost a foot of snow on the ground. I can honestly say that it has been quite some time since I have seen that much snow. I know that you Yankee's....ummmm...... Northerner's, might say that is nothing. But yo... »

Dying to Live

Dying to Live In recent days and weeks I have had opportunity to talk with several different individuals who attend Harvest Church, and I have heard over and over the same questions and sentiments... "What is wrong with Harvest Church?"  "W... »

Student Ministries Pastor, Lakeland, Fla.

The staff at Trinity Life Church are seeking to hire a Student Ministries pastor with a passion for sharing the gospel, building relationships with and discipling young people! Please email […] The post Student Ministries Pastor, Lakeland, Fla. a... »