
Saturday February 23: 18 Adar

It was on this day in the year 1953 that the Soviet dictator, and murderer, Joseph Stalin died. In fact, his death occurred on the very day that certain Soviet Jews who had been charged with treason were brought to trial. The trial was destined to bring about a guilty verdict and it was intended […] »

Tuesday January 8: 2 Shevat

It was on this day in 1942 that the Nazi leader Reinhard Heydrich met with representatives of the German Police, the S.S. and leading Nazi Party officials to begin discussing the implementation of the so-called, “Final Solution” to the so-called “Jewish Problem.” What was the so-called “Jewish Problem”? It would seem the problem was, at […] »

Arrest and Imprisonment of Rev. Ivan Voronaev (1930)

The (un)Forgotten: Story of the Voronaev Children Missions & Intercultural Studies Dony K. Donev, D. Min. Presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies The enormity of the movement could not be left unnoticed by the Bolsheviks. After crashing every form of organized life in Russia, sentencing for life in the […] »

Isaac Asimov Predicted 2014 With Accuracy

In 1964, on the occasion of the World’s Fair, noted author and biochemist Isaac Asimov envisioned the world of the future. Peering 50 years forward, the futurist offered prescient thoughts about what 2014 might look like, writing up his forecast for a piece published by the New York Times. Asimov, who emigrated to the U.S. from Russia with his Orthodox Jewish family at age 3, served as a pro... »