Lee University to Inaugurate Walker as President
Lee University to Inaugurate Walker as President You are signed up to receive updates from the Faith News Network ... »
Lee University to Inaugurate Walker as President You are signed up to receive updates from the Faith News Network ... »
The Bible Project by Perry Stone As you may be aware, I have been stirred in my spirit to produce a Perry Stone Hebraic/Prophetic Study Bible, gleaning from 44,000 hours of Bible study, CDS, DVDS, personal notes, outlines and study manuals that I’ve produced within 34 years of ministry. Along with a team of specialists under the direction of Strang Communication (Charisma) I plan to create a... »
Dear Friend, In Cartersville, GA. the Holy Spirit inspired me with six new messages that are literally a "RIGHT NOW" word from the Lord! On Sunday night, over 2,000 people packed out t... »
August 10th - Perry Stone Hosting TBN This Friday night, August 10th, Perry Stone will be hosting Praise the Lord on TBN. The pro... »