
The goal of this series was to show that Christianity…

The goal of this series was to show that Christianity…

Are atheists right when they point to the less than stellar history of the Church during the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution as proof that Christianity is dangerous? It seems to me they are cherry picking their stories and not looking at the full picture of the Church’s history. The goal of this series was to show that Christianity is a much deeper and well-rationalized worldview than atheis... »

A Call of Christian Conscience: “We pledge to each other,…

A Call of Christian Conscience: “We pledge to each other,…

As a new member, allow me to introduce myself. My wife and I are founders of www.FaithFacts.org, one of the oldest apologetics sites on the web. We have a Facebook site by the same name. I am also interested in eschatology: www.ProphecyQuestions.com. A Call of Christian Conscience: “We pledge to each other, and to our fellow believers, that no power on earth, be it cultural or political, wil... »

The longings of the human heart are pointers to a…

The longings of the human heart are pointers to a…

The longings of the human heart are pointers to a reality that transcends the material universe. In Mere Christianity, Lewis wrote: “If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. If none of my earthly pleasures satisfy it, that does not prove that the universe is a fraud. Probably earthly pleasu... »

Having trouble leaving this group. I joined assuming that it…

Having trouble leaving this group. I joined assuming that it would be about building each other up in the faith. All I see is hate speech against Christianity. Get me out of here. How do I leave this group? »