
What Is the Difference between a Church Vision Statement and Mission Statement?

Someone asks this question to our team at Church Answers about once a week. I get it. It is confusing and, often, contradictory. We have been looking at church vision statements and mission statements for years. These brief explanations may bring some clarity to the confusion. There is no consistent definition to either statement. Okay,... The post What Is the Difference between a Church Vision St... »

***Philippines 1:16 (NLT) They preach because they love me, for…

***Philippines 1:16 (NLT) They preach because they love me, for they know I have been appointed to defend the Good News.*** Those who preached Christ “with pure motives” (1:15) did so because of their love for Paul. They knew Paul was in prison, not because of any criminal act, but because the Lord brought him there to defend the Good News (see 1:7). Paul had landed in prison because of his devoti... »

People say “Don’t put God in a box.” But many…

People say “Don’t put God in a box.” But many people don’t even read God’s Word to know what that box is. Many people rely only on a pastor/preacher to tell them what it says, yet the Bible says there are MANY false teachers out there, so how do they know whether who they are listening to is false? Many say they have the Holy Spirit and rely on a feeling of the Holy Spirit for discernment(knowing ... »

I’m a believer even if someone on here don’t believe…

I’m a believer even if someone on here don’t believe I am, you just don’t know me. I’ve backslidden before and my pastor KNOWS this and still welcomes me and while he acknowledges I’m still a believer, he’s implored me to turn back to God. Question. For those who immediately want to throw bible verses around, what do you say to those who don’t have food an... »