
Dualism Proof: Dualism, the belief that there are two competing…

Dualism Proof: Dualism, the belief that there are two competing forces in the world, each competing for supremacy is debunked by the Law of Cause and Effect. Even though it appears that both love and evil exist in the world, there has to be a First Cause from this law. Either evil is the first Cause and love is a temporary intruder or visa- versa. Even men who do not believe in a God of love and r... »

As Christians, do we have a proper perspective of eternity?…

As Christians, do we have a proper perspective of eternity?…

As Christians, do we have a proper perspective of eternity? [https://truthfaithandreason.com/a-case-for-christianity-the-importance-of-having-a-proper-perspective-of-death-and-eternity-when-practicing-christian-apologetics/](https://truthfaithandreason.com/a-case-for-christianity-the-importance-of-having-a-proper-perspective-of-death-and-eternity-when-practicing-christian-apologetics/) »

Best preaching resources to reach skeptics in the pew, who…

Best preaching resources to reach skeptics in the pew, who don’t believe the whole Bible is God breathed? »

10 Reasons Ministry Pain is Really Tough

Most of us who have done ministry for any length of time know the pain of this work. Sometimes it’s gripping . . . ongoing . . . overwhelming. Here are some reasons why it is especially difficult pain: 1. We start ministry with excitement and joy, never thinking about the potential pain. But, then... The post 10 Reasons Ministry Pain is Really Tough appeared first on Church Answers. »