
Write it out

We often do not have, or at least take, the time to focus on the traumas, hurts, and emotional encounters in our lives. While some may regularly visit with a therapist or speak with a pastoral advisor, many simply go on, pushed by the pace of the job (... »

Better to know little and love much than to love…

Better to know little and love much than to love little and know much. Worst to know little and love little. Yet it is the true philosopher and theologian who knows what it is to know much and love much. »

Worship Leader, Finley, Tenn.

Junction Church is seeking a Worship Leader or musician who is willing to work with a Worship Leader. We are mostly contemporary but do add traditional songs occasionally. Please email […] The post Worship Leader, Finley, Tenn. appeared first on ... »

I’m struggling with reading the Bible with excitement and anticipation….

I’m struggling with reading the Bible with excitement and anticipation. I’m going through Luke again, and I’m just not stoked about it. I’m passively reading, I’m bored, and I feel convicted about my boredom. Is this normal? Anyone else experience this? How do I get out of this apathy? »