
Is there hope for someone struggling with habitual sin? I…

Is there hope for someone struggling with habitual sin? I do really good for a long time and fight but I’ve never been able to stay away from a certain sin for more then 36 days(yes I keep track)Feeling like I don’t love Jesus enough. Is there hope for me? »

Posting for a friend…

Posting for a friend…

Posting for a friend… »

Everything in the universes is in perpetual motion. Everything is…

Everything in the universes is in perpetual motion. Everything is moving all the time. The earth rotates 24-7 that means that even people who are buried in the cemetery are still moving for as the world turns so do we… When some one asks the question, ” Where is the proof that God exists?” Point out this fact that perpetual motion without a constant force of order and stability w... »

What are other resources or historical sources, other than Bible…

What are other resources or historical sources, other than Bible that claims the life, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus?? »