
If you’re going to be a true Christian you’re going…

If you’re going to be a true Christian you’re going to lead a lonely life, it is a narrow way and it gets narrower and narrower. Leonard Ravenhill. Never a truer word spoken and a price I’m willing to pay. »

We’re giving away a Miniature Banner Library (50 Banner books)…

We’re giving away a Miniature Banner Library (50 Banner books)…

https://banneroftruth.org/us/giveaways/banner-of-truth-spring-giveaway/?lucky=46508 We’re giving away a Miniature Banner Library (50 Banner books) to a serious Banner book reader! Winner receives: the Banner books listed below! 1. The Doctrine of Justification 2. The Great Awakening 3. Elizabeth Prentiss 4. J. C. Ryle: Prepared to Stand Alone 5. The Pilgrim’s Progress 6. Sermon… »

Thought this was an interesting question: How can Jesus be…

Thought this was an interesting question: How can Jesus be…

Thought this was an interesting question: How can Jesus be both God and the Son of God? »

Conspiracy theories are very popular. Isn’t it possible that the…

Conspiracy theories are very popular. Isn’t it possible that the…

Conspiracy theories are very popular. Isn’t it possible that the disciples conspired to lie about the Resurrection? In this clip from a presentation given at a Gateway Seminary chapel, J. Warner describes the case for the Resurrection. Conspiracy theories are very popular. Isn’t it possible that the disciples conspired to lie about the Resurrection? »