
Lee University Small Group March 26, 2020

Lee University Small Group March 26, 2020

Lee University Small Group March 26, 2020 »

Who believes -…

Who believes -…

Here’s a twist on my previous OP: Who believes – and who doesn’t believe – that the following passage of Scripture proves Jesus Christ was not created, and therefore had no beginning? And why do you believe as you do – either way? Please answer with Scriptures if possible. Philippians 2:9-11 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is abo... »

Acres de Diamantes parte 2 | Jentezen Franklin

Acres de Diamantes parte 2 | Jentezen Franklin

This is “Acres de Diamantes parte 2.” ¿Hay algo demasiado difícil para Dios? No tienes que alejarte de donde estás para encontrar lo que Dios tiene para tu vida. Si Dios te ha puesto allí, Él puede hacer cosas asombrosas justo donde estás. Si Dios te dio un lugar para servir—para plantarte—no te arranques de raíz a menos que estés seguro de que Dios dijo que te fueras. No pierdas tu ti... »

Acres of Diamonds Part 2: Buy Into This | Jentezen Franklin

Acres of Diamonds Part 2: Buy Into This | Jentezen Franklin

This is “Acres of Diamonds Part 2: Buy Into This”. Your victory comes from proper placement! Stop chasing the wind, and start trusting that God has you in the right place at the right time. In part 2 of this series with Jentezen Franklin, you’ll discover success is a four-letter word: STAY. While everyone else is selling out, we’re buying in! To hear more inspiring messages from Jentez... »