
Lee University Spring Commencement 2019

Lee University Spring Commencement 2019

Lee University Spring Commencement 2019 »

Lee University Spring Commissioning 2019

Lee University Spring Commissioning 2019

Lee University Spring Commissioning 2019 »

THR3E PART 2  |  The Way, The Truth, The Life

THR3E PART 2 | The Way, The Truth, The Life

The way you’re going to go has already been traveled and the 3rd day power of resurrection is working in you but if we aren’t careful it will be easier for us to believe that we are a target for the enemy rather than a target for the blessings of God. You are here on purpose for a purpose. »

Cross Fit | Jentezen Franklin

Cross Fit | Jentezen Franklin

This is “Crossfit.” Everyone on earth has sinned and deserves eternal separation from God. We all face a gaping chasm we are unable to bridge on our own—the chasm between a holy God and a sinful human. In the Old Testament, two goats and a “fit man” were needed to provide temporary forgiveness of sin. What was the role of the fit man? What does the fit man mean to us today? When you un... »