
Consciousness of a Movement for Change

Consciousness of a Movement for Change

#ourCOG was started in 2010 with a vision to popularize social media within the church This vision was fulfilled within the first two years after the launch of the website and fully realized within the church and implemented on an international level In only five years of existence #ourCOG not only made history, but became the media history of the church As every new thing that combines spirituali... »

About Creflo Dollar’s Jet Dream

Steve Wright I’ve been thinking about Creflo Dollar’s dream to upgrade his ailing jet for something better, much better, in fact. I hate to... »

Today I want to share with you

Today I want to share with your our move to Germany. ht […] »


[The fear of the Lord indicates the spiritual reverence and awe which all of us owe to our Abba Father; the love of God... »