
The Message That Wasn’t Shared – Part 2

We continue with the idea that it takes teamwork to make the dream work.  When the challenges and struggles come, what is it going to take to build towards that God-dream becoming reality.  How can we keep that dream alive? Do we have a role ... »

“Prayer” Judges 16:11-20

“Prayer” Judges 16:11-20

Lesson 2 from the series, “Prayer” Judges 1 […] »

Scroll Signing Service in Stara Zagora

25 years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall, people in Eastern Europe are still haunted by the spirit of communism. The Regime robbed them not only from happiness and freedom, but from their deep human ability to even imagine a better and free world. For this very reason, we wrote the book “Looking over […] »


[Ezra came up from Babylon.] “…He was a teacher well versed in the Law of Moses, which the LORD, the God of Israel, had given. The king had granted him everything he asked, FOR THE HAND OF THE LORD HIS GOD WAS ON HIM.” (Ezra 7:6) [Ezra had great favour with King Artaxerxes and petitioned   Read More ... »