
HAPPY NEW YEAR to ALL @ #ourCOG #2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR to ALL @ #ourCOG #2012 »

111228: Don’t let a looming New Year rob you of December 28-31!

111228: Don’t let a looming New Year rob you of December 28-31!

Hello! I pray that you had a great Christmas season.  Now what to do?  The last week of the year is sort of the “no man’s land” of the year.   After the build up leading into Christmas it is hard to know what to do with the last few days of a year that is soon [...] »

Today God Is Faithful….what a year!

I say it almost every year (about this time), but I want to say it again: "What a year!" What a faithful, gracious, loving, wonderful God we have! Some of the "significant" times of 2011:1) Worked at the hospital on New Year's Day. I volunteered for th... »

Today was great day, read REAL Christmas Story, opened and gave presents. ATE!ATE!ATE! THEN enjoyed HIS presence during communion. #OURCOG

Today was great day, read REAL Christmas Story, opened and gave presents. ATE!ATE!ATE! THEN enjoyed HIS presence during communion. #OURCOG »