
Lee University Chapel // November 17, 2015

Lee University Chapel // November 17, 2015

David Hicks is an associate at Hudson Cook, LLP. He focuses his practice on federal and state regulatory compliance for consumer lenders. Hicks received his BS in business adminstration from Lee and studied law at the University of Virgina, from which he graduated in 2009. »

Christmas on Starbucks coffee cups

It’s pretty amusing how people are making a big deal about the lack of Christmas on Starbucks coffee cups when the company has displayed... »

Small Jazz Ensemble // April 16, 2015

Small Jazz Ensemble // April 16, 2015


Ladies of Lee Worship Service

Ladies of Lee Worship Service

The Ladies of Lee Worship Service with alumni, family, and friends featured music from the current Ladies of Lee and a special message by Lee University President, Dr. Paul Conn. »