
A New Year, Another Opportunity!

Happy New Year!We are beginning a brand new year – 2011!The Christmas season has come and gone and here we are, at the beginning of another year. It seems like only yesterday since we entered into the year 2000!At the close of each year, I think most... »

New Year’s Message from Perry Stone http://goo.gl/fb/qdpUR #ourCOG http://goo.gl/fb… http://goo.gl/fb/x5dUz #ourCOG

New Year’s Message from Perry Stone http://goo.gl/fb/qdpUR #ourCOG http://goo.gl/fb… http://goo.gl/fb/x5dUz #ourCOG »

New Year’s Day: What’s the big deal? http://goo.gl/fb/9pEf2 #ourCOG

New Year’s Day: What’s the big deal? http://goo.gl/fb/9pEf2 #ourCOG »

50. I am thankful for a NEW YEAR…

2010 was quite a year of "change" in so many ways. Ways that I had anticipated--yes, those happened, and ways that I could never have, in my wildest imaginations, conjured up--those happened as well.I left a job (on my own volition) where I had made m... »