Lee University Chapel // August 20, 2015
Dr. Paul Conn has served as president of Lee University for the past 29 years. »
Dr. Paul Conn has served as president of Lee University for the past 29 years. »
Pastoring isn’t easy, and its challenges have many pastors daydreaming about other jobs. So, I’m a huge advocate of appreciating the people who serve us, and if that requires specific time set aside (Pastor’s appreciation month—October) to ensure it happens, I can get behind it. One of the funny things I’ve noticed about pastor’s ap... »
Have “denominations” outlived their purpose? Denominationalism has always carried in its wake -however inadvertently- division, not unity. If denominations are redundant, within by what... »
Everyone seeks the answer to the age old questions: How did we get here? & Why are we here? The Bible tells us that... »