
Sundown began began the 29th of Elul the eve of Rosh Hashanah!

#Sundown began the 29th of Elul the eve of Rosh Hashanah! aka… New Year’s Eve.End of the #Shemitah and start of Jubilee! »

Relax Christians—You’re Not Being Persecuted

Everywhere I look lately, I’m assaulted with reoccurring updates, tweets, and political stump speeches about the “criminalization of Christianity.” The right seeks to strengthen their base with a narrative of fear. Senator Cruz, echoing the language of Mike Huckabee recently said, “Unequivocally. I stand with every American that the Obama Administration is trying to force [... »

A Common Mistake – Mark Casto

Visit us at ociministries.org and send in your prayer requests »

No, Satan does not speak in tongues

No, Satan does not speak in tongues unless you believe the Holy Spirit gives him the utterance. »