
My Lee University Experience – Katie McConnell

My Lee University Experience – Katie McConnell

Lee University graduate Katie McConnell reflects on how “divinely ordinary moments” shaped her Lee University experience and impacted her life forever. »

Pastor Burnout According to the New York Times

Members of the clergy now suffer from obesity, hypertension and depression at rates higher than most Americans. In the last decade, their use of antidepressants has risen, while their life expectancy has fallen. Many would change jobs if they could. 13% of active pastors are divorced. 23% have been fired or pressured to resign at [...] »

Freedom: A Poem

Freedom (Romans 6)   “I’m tired of hiding who I Really am,” he says. And runs in, Arms flailing, head down, free Way down in his mind. They clap, Who stand along the bars. Their Ebullient words echo off The cage—dampened by metal.   He clanks and scrapes the chain snaked Around his ankle. “Now, I’m […] »

D-Day Landing Prayer Read on US Senate Floor

The D-Day Landing Prayer Act took center stage on the U.S. Senate floor on Wednesday. Sen. Rob Portman and Sen. Joseph Lieberman jointly read the bill, along with the entire prayer President Franklin Delano Roosevelt prayed with the nation the morning ... »