

“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 22:31-32 Every so often, I’m overcome with the urge. I tromp my way into the kitchen, raid my wife’s Pinterest boards, and […] »

Wakeup Call

Somewhere along the line, I forgot that I hate mornings. As a kid, I loathed the early morning sunshine after staying up too long and gorging on late-night TV shows. My Saturdays and Sundays and summer stirrings usually began at 1:00—p.m., that is. Even in college, I picked classes that didn’t require any matinal commitments […] »

7 Miracle Grow Principles for Your Team

My wife and I were recently doing some yard work, and a friend of mine tossed a handful of fertilizer on a group of flowers that I had just planted.  She proclaimed, “This stuff is like crack for plants!”  Either we had just put some really serious fertilizer on my plants, or I’m the reason [...] »

New Protests in Bulgaria over New Security Chief

BBC News: Opposition MPs in the Bulgarian parliament have protested after a media tycoon was appointed to head the national security agency. Delyan Peevski, 32, a member of the country’s Turkish minority party, was voted into the post without a debate by the ruling Socialists and their allies. He had been nominated by the new Prime [...] »