
Strangely Dim

Four crumbling stairs leading up the hill from the rock-encrusted sidewalk—that’s all that’s left. If you drove by today, you wouldn’t know that I once smashed honey bees on the driveway with a shovel, or that I did so barefooted until one got a squishy revenge. You also wouldn’t know about the loft in the […] »

Faith And Hope No More

1 Corinthians 13:13 says, “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” It has been said that, “Love alone is credible; nothing else ought to be believed. This is the achievement, the “work” of faith…to believe that there is such a thing as love…and that there is nothing [...] Related posts:Your Hope In God Is Not Mi... »

Why I’m Pentecostal: The Impact

[Make sure you read the background and change posts first.] Being “baptized with the Holy Spirit” is not a panacea for your spiritual ills and human failings. You don’t suddenly stop struggling with the fleshy side of who you are. Nothing stops that but death. But that second baptism does jolt your life. Now, let’s [...] »

Why I’m Pentecostal: The Change

[Note: Read the first post in this series for some background.] I don’t have a date to share because I never really considered dates as being important in my faith life. August 2003 is about as close as I get to anything, and that’s for finally admitting who Jesus is. But I do remember a [...] »