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Inside the Ministry- September 3, 2013

 There are actually so many ministry opportunities, assignments and events being planned for the VOE and OCI that I am feeling like a racehorse coming out of the gate and running at full speed, without stopping!  There is some new resource material now available, including Pam’s new book (BK-004) found on the home page of the web-site. Read more... »

5 Signs You’re a Terrible Christian Leader

Reblogged from ctkblog: by Jayson Bradley Christianity was a grass-roots movement started by people largely marginalized from the first-century religious establishment. Almost entirely dismissed by the religious institution of the day, people like blue-collar workers, embezzling tax collectors, the diseased, … Continue reading → »

Lee University – “Building Champions”

Lee University – “Building Champions”

Lee University commercial produced for inclusion in the Gulf South Conference football game of the week for 2013. »