
What the Church Can Learn from Apple

I’m already blown away by the pending Fall release of iOS 7, the new iPhone operating system from Apple (Check it out for yourself – there’s a preview video on their site).  If anyone continues to push the envelope in areas of creativity, relevance and innovation, it’s Apple. The sad thing is, it should be [...] »

Church website? #ourCOG


3 Reasons Christians Should Shop Locally

There’s a Guitar Center coming to my town. As a musician, I should be pretty excited. Who wouldn’t want a wide selection of amps, wall-to-wall guitars, and competitive prices? I should be excited—I’m not. I’ve lived in this town most … Continue reading → »

Captain Lazy Eye

 “All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God’s grace in all its truth.” Colossians 1:6 My right eye decided to be lazy as a child. While the left eye absorbed light rays and churned out…Read more Captain Lazy Eye »