
Cold Showers

Every morning for as long as he could, my grandfather slid out of bed before the sun rose and took a cold shower. Now, granted, he lived in the warm climes of southern Alabama, and the waves of heat there appear more like tsunamis of heat. But let me tell you, cold showers in the […] »

The Gondoliers – February 22, 2013

The Gondoliers – February 22, 2013


Symphonic Band Concert – February 25, 2013

Symphonic Band Concert – February 25, 2013


Lee Day 2013

Lee Day 2013

Imagine all the information about your college experience available to you in 30 hours! That’s what Lee Day is……in a nutshell. All of life at Lee University including: Financial Aid, Class Selection, Greek Clubs, Academic Organizations, Community Service Involvement, Sports Teams, Music Ensembles, Worship Opportunities ……and much more. You don’t want to miss thi... »