
Religion and Christianity – Bible & Cults – Jesus Christ…

Religion and Christianity – Bible & Cults – Jesus Christ…

Here’s a list of prophecies fulfilled by Jesus. The list was found at https://www.accordingtothescriptures.org/…/353prophecies.ht… Can you find any that are wrong? Do some spot checking. 1. Gen. 3:15 Seed of a woman (virgin birth) Galatians 4:4-5, Matthew 1:18 2. Gen. 3:15 He will bruise Satan’s head Hebrews 2:14, 1John 3:8 3. Gen. 3:15 Christ’s heel would be bruised with nails o... »

Production Director, Columbus, OH

This is a full-time position and is responsible for leading and overseeing all technical and production matters of Potter’s House. This will include:  Live stream, lighting, sound and media while […] The post Production Director, Columbus, ... »

What makes a shepherd good? He protects his sheep. Dr….

What makes a shepherd good? He protects his sheep. Dr….

What makes a shepherd good? He protects his sheep. Dr. Bill Sheeks, former Church of God state overseer and member of the International Executive Committee, reminds us that we do indeed have a Good Shepherd! »

What woman today is making the greatest impact in the…

What woman today is making the greatest impact in the Church of God toward getting women eligible to be ordained bishops? »