Will the Church of God Declaration of Faith have to…
Will the Church of God Declaration of Faith have to be changed to meet the church’s denominational orthopraxy? »
Will the Church of God Declaration of Faith have to be changed to meet the church’s denominational orthopraxy? »
The current faulty view of the Church of God (for those who do not follow the Declaration of faith in practice) rest upon the same error as do the Calvinist and all other progressive evangelicals. They misinterpret Romans 9 in that the potter keeps forming the soft clay with his hands for the duration of one’s life on earth. It is in a continual state of being formed. That is a false assumpt... »
Minister of Music Steve Allen leads the Westmore congregation in Praise and Worship. Praise and Worship songs: “Honey In The Rock” “Same God” “I Need Thee Every Hour” Choir songs: “Miracle Power” with “Because He Lives” (Renee Talley & Steve Allen) Subscribe to this channel for inspiring messages and powerful praise and worship: htt... »
Minister of Music Steve Allen leads the Westmore congregation in Praise and Worship. Praise and Worship songs: “Honey In The Rock” “Same God” “I Need Thee Every Hour” Choir songs: “Miracle Power” with “Because He Lives” (Renee Talley & Steve Allen) Subscribe to this channel for inspiring messages and powerful praise and worship: htt... »