
People of Presence | As For Me And My House | Pastor Tony Stewart

People of Presence | As For Me And My House | Pastor Tony Stewart

Sometimes you have to be reminded of where you were to see where you are going, and in Joshua 24, that’s what God begins to do with the children of Israel. We need to be like Joshua, who declared, “As for me and my house.” God already said it, established it and the promise is in front of you. _________ #citylifechurch #tonystewart #kacistewart #tampa #florida 1ST TIME VIEWER CAR... »

Resolutions Address Financial, Giving Issues

Resolutions adopted at the recent Church of God International General Assembly in Orlando, Florida, deal with financial interdependence and Biblical stewardship. The General Council, comprised of all registered ordained bishops in attendance at the Ass... »


RESOLUTION PRESENTED BY J. S. LLEWELLYN Be it resolved that we, the 20th Annual Assembly of the Churches of God now assembled iri business conference at Cleveland, Tennessee, declare against the infidelity clothed in the new garment of Modern Science or Evolution. Be it further resolved that we honor the memory of the late William Jennings Bryan for the noble flght that he made in the defense of t... »

Tuesday Minutes of the 56th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Tuesday Minutes of the 56th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Minutes of the 56th General Assembly of the Church of God Place: Dallas Memorial Auditorium, Dallas, TX. Date: August 17-23, 1976. General Overseer: Cecil B. Knight. “Where the Spirit is, there is Liberty” (pp.21-23). [+pp.29-31] Recommendations from the General Council: Item 1: Tobacco. — Tobacco restriction brought back. (See notes on 55th A.) Item 13: Church of God Teachings (... »