
History of the Church of God,

History of the Church of God,

My Christmas wish list!! History of the Church of God, »

Tuesday Minutes of the 38th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Tuesday Minutes of the 38th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Minutes of the 38th Annual Assembly of the Church of God Place: Municipal Auditorium, Birmingham, AL. Date: August 27-29, 1943. General Overseer: J.H.Walker. Church of God Teachings (pp.121-122). [25th A.] Modest Apparel (p.129). [35th A.] »

8 Commenters You Meet on Christian Blogs

I have been blogging for a while, and reading blogs even longer. Here are a few of the commenters I regularly see on Christian blogs. How many do you recognize? Engagers: Most people fall into this category, and these are commenters you want—the crème de la crème. It’s not that they agree with you, they often […] »

A Necessary Move for Christians in America

There does not exist a reliable political party that purely represents the overall Christian agenda in America. We can neither ignore the overwhelming contrast to our Godly principles of the marriage equality and abortion rights agendas, which the Demo... »