
CNN religion blogger attacks Christians for supporting Romney

CNN religion blogger attacks Christians for supporting Romney

Remember the good ol’ days when folks in the media were fond of telling us that conservative evangelical Christians would exhibit anti-Mormon bigotry and fail to vote for Mitt Romney simply because of his religion? Well now that conservative evangelical Christians seem by-and-large on board with the Romney/Ryan ticket liberal CNN Belief Blog contributor Stephen Prothero has turned the tables... »

Tuesday Minutes of the 39th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Tuesday Minutes of the 39th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Minutes of the 39th Annual Assembly of the Church of God Place: Memorial Hall, Columbus, OH. Date: August 28-September 1, 1944. General Overseer: John C. Jernigan. Church of God Teachings (pp.143-144). [25th A.] Modest Apparel (p.151). [35th A.]   »

Bishop Henderson Wheeler, Church of God in Christ minister who…

Bishop Henderson Wheeler, Church of God in Christ minister who…

Bishop Henderson Wheeler, Church of God in Christ minister who at one time was a COG preacher from Florida who sought application to attend Lee College in 1963 and was rejected. This led to a resolution passed by the 1964 General Assembly and entered into the Minutes against racism in the Church. -Cleveland and TN History FB page »

The Power of Blessings | Jentezen Franklin

The Power of Blessings | Jentezen Franklin

This is “The Power of Blessings”. Our hearts follow what we treasure. Where are you laying up treasure—your treasure? Money and possessions are the second most talked about thing in the scriptures—over 800 times mentioned in the new Testament and 15% of Jesus; recorded words were about money. The Bible teaches that if you are a Christian, you are to give. You cannot serve G... »