
Tuesday Minutes of the 44th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Tuesday Minutes of the 44th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Minutes of the 45th General Assembly of the Church of God Place: Ellis Auditorium, Memphis, TN. Date: August 17-22, 1954. General Overseer: H.D.Williams. Church of God Teachings (pp.207-209). [40th A.] Declaration of Faith (p.209-210). Modest Apparel (p.207). [35th A.] — missing pp.220-224 — »

Tuesday Minutes of the 53rd Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Tuesday Minutes of the 53rd Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Minutes of the 53rd General Assembly of the Church of God Place: Keil Auditorium, Saint Louis, Missouri. Date: August 25-31, 1970. General Overseer: R. Leonard Carroll. Declaration of Faith Recommendations (p.58) SUPPLEMENT: Church of God Teachings (p.6). [48th A.] Declaration of Faith (p.4). [42nd A.] Resolution Relative to the Principles of Holiness of Church of God. (p.11). [48th A.] Modest App... »

Tuesday Minutes of the 43th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Tuesday Minutes of the 43th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Place: Coliseum, Indianapolis, IN. Date: August 14-17, 1952. General Overseer: Zeno C. Tharp. Church of God Teachings (pp.207-209). [40th A.] Declaration of Faith (p.209-210). [42th A.] Modest Apparel (p.207). [35th A.] Supplement to the Church of God Minutes Cleveland, TN 1953. Church of God Teachings (pp.207-209). [40th A.] Declaration of Faith (209-210). [42th A.] Modest Apparel (207-209). [35t... »

Church of God  HQ finances – troubling conclusions

Church of God HQ finances – troubling conclusions

http://www.actscelerate.com/viewtopic.php?t=82090&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight= HQ finances have been cut due to the TOT cut – and HQ assures us they have turned every stone to find savings. However the Scot Carter investigation has uncovered some other troubling aspects. Scot Carter made commissions on setting up conventions using an LLC. He then hired hims... »