
A Christmas Special | Jentezen Franklin

A Christmas Special | Jentezen Franklin

This is “A Christmas Special.” Mary and Joseph lost Jesus during passover. They didn’t lose relationship, they lost fellowship. We easily can miss our time with Jesus, too. The tree is up, the packages are wrapped, the car is serviced for travel … but the Bible is closed. In this message, we learn to hold tight to the message of Christmas and experience the best gift of all. To h... »

“@RickWarren #Christmas in a nutshell: GOD IS WITH US!” #OURCOG

“@RickWarren #Christmas in a nutshell: GOD IS WITH US!” #OURCOG »

‘Forgotten Christmas’ Brings Hope to Thousands in South Asia through Unconventional Christmas Gifts

Thousands of outcast, persecuted and forgotten people in South Asia will be remembered this year with unique gifts donated through Forgotten Christmas. Opportunities to support poor families with essential but unconventional items are available with on... »


TODAY’S CHRISTMAS MESSAGE Today’s Guest Is, Dr. Paul Lee, DCCP Sr. Associate Pastor – Pastoral Care, Mt. Olive Ministry www.mtolivecog.org http://andnowyouknowmore.blogspot.com “T’was the night... »