
Kid Mission Sunday Is March 12, 2023

Kid Mission Sunday Is March 12, 2023 ... »

In recognition of the 100th birthday of Lee University this…

In recognition of the 100th birthday of Lee University this year, Faith News is presenting a series of four articles on the history of the Church of God’s premier educational institution. This third in the series recalls the years 1968-1993. http://ow.ly/fUPB30jen4g »

Some Tennessee teachers and education advocates say President Donald Trump's…

Some Tennessee teachers and education advocates say President Donald Trump's…

Education Secretary-designate Betsy DeVos arrives before testifying on Capitol Hill in Washington on Jan. 17 at her confirmation hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. ((extracted from the article: Paul Conn’s support for Betsy Devos)) Paul Conn, president of Lee University in Cleveland, Tenn., has known DeVos and her family for decades and said she is the... »

#ourCOG Lee University Choir to Perform at Presidential Inauguration

#ourCOG Lee University Choir to Perform at Presidential Inauguration

CLEVELAND, Tenn. — A choir from Lee University here will perform at the presidential inauguration in January, U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander announced on the campus this morning. “We may not know who is going to be president this January, but we know that the Lee University Choir will be at the inauguration,” Alexander, R-Tenn., told a packed assembly of 1,800 students at the university’s Conn Center. ... »