
Educators Luncheon Announced for July 23 in Orlando

International Educators Luncheon on Monday, July 23, 2012, at 11:30 a.m. The luncheon will convene at the Peabody Hotel as a pre-Assembly function of the 74th General Assembly, which will be held in Orlando, Florida, July 24-27, 2012. According to Mark... »

World Missions Award Winners Announced During GA2012

During the World Missions banquet prior to the Church of God International General Assembly in Orlando, Florida, states and local churches were honored for their excellence in missions giving throughout the two years since the previous General Assembly... »

Ten “10-Minute Refreshers” for Busy and Weary Church Leaders

Many church leaders I know are simply exhausted as we continue to navigate a COVID-influenced world. Most of us, though, have “10-minute” segments throughout the day when we have little planned, and I want us to use those segments wisely as we try to manage our crowded time well and find rest. If you don’t... The post Ten “10-Minute Refreshers” for Busy and Weary Church Leaders appeared first on C... »

Dislodging Dysfunction

Dysfunction saps creativity in ministry, usually because innovators find too many obstacles to complete their work. Communication sputters; handoff becomes hands off; and follow-through falls through. I’ve had the privilege of working for both highly efficient companies and living-on-a-miracle ones. That’s “privilege” in the sense of being a guinea pig and figuring out what works—and [...] »