
General Assembly Opening Night Just Three Weeks Away

General Assembly Opening Night Just Three Weeks Away ... »

MISSIONS TEST 3: Missionary Testament

MISSIONS TEST 3: Missionary Testament

Dony K. Donev, Cup & Cross Ministries International The following World Missions series were sparked by a partial sign with the words “Missions Check,” we saw in Atlanta on our way to a mission’s trip to Europe just a weeks after the great tornado of 2011. We’ve observed the events that followed for over a [...] »

Ordained Bishops Age Limitations: Discussion on Church of God General Assembly, Nashville 2016

Ordained Bishops Age Limitations: Discussion on Church of God General Assembly, Nashville 2016

Church of God General Assembly, Nashville 2016 “ordained ministers 25 years of age and older” Rationale: “….the motion, if passed, provides greater incentive for attendance to International General Assemblies and ministerial credential advancement….” Premise: A lot was said about ordaining younger ministers around the 2012 Assembly. The proposed Item 25, properl... »

Sharing the Load: The First State Overseers

When the sixth General Assembly met in Cleveland, Tennessee, January 3-8, 1911, the Church of God had grown to fifty-eight churches, 107 ministers, and 1,855 members. Despite this growth, General Overseer A.J. Tomlinson expressed disappointment. Tomlin... »