
Gender Identity Affirmation Motion: Some Practical Considerations

Tim CranfillI am burdened by the Gender Identity Affirmation motion that is item #7 on the agenda for the upcoming General Council. This is not the first General Council item I have been disturbed by and I am sure it wi... »

I got off Facebook in order to save you.

I pulled the trigger on Old Yeller at 6:55am this morning. After months of deliberation and angst, I deactivated my facebook account. Without question, there has been no other small decision in the history of decision making to carry such an absurd amount of weight. It was if a simple move to streamline communication in [...] »

78th General Assembly Is One Year from This Week

78th General Assembly Is One Year from This Week You are signed up to receive updates from the Faith News Network ... »

2022-2024 Executive Committee Convenes First Meeting

2022-2024 Executive Committee Convenes First Meeting ... »