Exutive Council Meets
Praying today for Ex. Council of @COGHQ & @DrMarkLWilliams @DMGriffis @Stephensjdavid @MTPropes and Wallace Sibley. #oneCOG @MNCOG — Rick Whitter (@rickwhitter) January 27, 2015 Day 2- International Executive Council meetings begins. @tonydstewart is awake and @Chris smoody1972 has great hair. pic.twitter.com/JmihaiKiXQ — Kevin Wallace (@rttnpastor) January 28, 2015 »
Restrictive Bill on Religion in Bulgaria Goes to a Final Vote
A government committee met in Bulgaria today to decide any last changes in the new legislation on religion and churches in Bulgaria. The bill will be then brought before the Parliament for a final vote this Friday, December 21, 2018 before it becomes an official law. In its current draft, the legislation infringes harsh restrictions on religious freedom and evangelical believers, which will disrup... »
Smoky Mountain Children’s Home Receives National Accreditation
Smoky Mountain Children’s Home Receives National Accreditation You are signed up to receive updates from the Faith News Network ... »