
Star-Telegram: Santa trumps the Grinch under Texas’ new Merry Christmas law


Trump, Separation of Children, and What a Christian Should Do

Herm Edwards is famous for a phrase… “Don’t press send!” No one knows how many tweets I delete before pressing send.  Honestly, some are mostly harmless, but my wife sees things that I do not and I have learned to defer to her j... »

Donald Trump is now on YouTube http://goo.gl/TQqM9 #ourCOG #trump http://goo.gl/fb/Ar4xT #ourCOG

Donald Trump is now on YouTube http://goo.gl/TQqM9 #ourCOG #trump http://goo.gl/fb/Ar4xT #ourCOG »

Should we follow MARTIN LUTHER?

Should we follow MARTIN LUTHER? »