
Prayer Leadership Conference Scheduled as Pre-Assembly Event

A Prayer Leadership Conference has been scheduled for Monday, July 23, the day before the 74th Church of God International General Assembly in Orlando, Florida. According to Doug Small of Project Pray, who also serves as prayer liaison for the Church o... »

Donald ‪#‎Trump‬ to meet with a coalition of African American ministers November 30, 2015 in New York

Donald #Trump to meet with a coalition of African American ministers November 30, 2015 in New York Jon Sellers David M. Hinsen »

Evangelicals who prophesied for Trump

Evangelicals who prophesied for Trump

Rick Joyner wrote on Facebook that he foresaw a different outcome. “This is the poll that counts,” Joyner wrote of the election, “and all of the signs point to a strong Trump victory tonight.” He continued: “If you don’t think the polls reveal that, you’re right.” Lance Wallnau, a Dallas-based business consultant, has been speaking and prophesying about Trump for over a year in videos to his Faceb... »

Assistant Pastor, Ayer, Mass.

Living Water Fellowship is seeking an assistant pastor. Position is part-time and comes with a small monthly stipend. The assistant pastor will be involved in all aspects of of church […] The post Assistant Pastor, Ayer, Mass. appeared first on C... »