
On Wednesday, March 23, 2016, General Overseer ( of the…

On Wednesday, March 23, 2016, General Overseer ( of the church of god of prophecy ) Sam Clements welcomed Dr. Mark Williams, general overseer of the Church of God, as well as Church of God Director of Communications Cameron Fished to the International Offices. The two met to discuss recent flooding that has impacted much of Mississippi and Louisiana. Although no Church of God of Prophecy congregat... »

The Church of God is being taken over by dominion…

The Church of God is being taken over by dominion theology. Wesleyanism and dominionism are not compatible. »

While serving as director of the Aschaffenburg Christian Servicemen's Center…

While serving as director of the Aschaffenburg Christian Servicemen’s Center under the European Church of God Servicemen’s department (abt 1983) There was a gathering of Centers from across Germany to Heidelberg for a picnic in a US park facility. Our Center had a Puerto Rican Spanish group and they were enthusiastic with their assorted Latino percussion instruments. Our worship was en... »

Pathway Press Launches ‘KidMin Pathway’

Pathway Press Launches ‘KidMin Pathway’ ... »