
Is the Church of God heading toward Kingdom Now or…

Is the Church of God heading toward Kingdom Now or Dominion theology? »

New birth is a result of god's faith in Christ'…

New birth is a result of god’s faith in Christ’ obedience and not our works Sanctification is a work of our faith, correct? According to our obedience of the word of God? »

Was the Impartation ceremony Kenneth Copeland spoke over Steve Lowery…

Was the Impartation ceremony Kenneth Copeland spoke over Steve Lowery at the North Cleveland CoG T. L. Lowery memorial service a move of the Holy Spirit? Was God in this ceremonial impartation? »

Here is a collection of some of my old Church…

Here is a collection of some of my old Church…

Here is a collection of some of my old Church of God Camp Meeting song books. The oldest is 1955 entitled, SONGS OF THE REDEEMED and has a pic of the old CoG Publishing House on the front cover. Also, mine is a OHIO Souvenir Copy. »