
Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio Named New POPE

Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been elected by his peers as the new pope, becoming the first pontiff from the Americas. He has chosen to be known as Pope Francis I. The 76-year-old has spent nearly his entire career at home in Argentina, overseeing churches and shoe-leather priests. Francis, the archbishop of Buenos Aires, [...] »

Rocket fired from Gaza lands in southern Israel

Rocket fired from Gaza lands in southern Israel Pray for them Children of God! »

are you a taker or a giver?

Israel wanted a king. They wanted an earthly ruler so that they might be like the other nations. God knew that Israel would ask for a king (see Deut. 17:14-20), and when they did he had a sobering warning about the nature of earthly kings. Samuel warned the Israelites that the king they were asking […] »

Boston Globe: Combative R.I. bishop counters Pope Francis’s message
