
9 Strategies for Creating Leadership Culture

9 principles that will help leaders create a culture of leadership development. Build culture not leaders. The reason most churches have a leadership deficiency today is because they fail to build a culture of development yesterday. Model leadership development from the executive level. The values of the leader become the values of the organization. Leadership [...] »

Children’s Pastor, Sevierville, Tenn.

Purpose Church in Sevierville, TN is looking for a full-time children’s pastor. This person is responsible for ensuring all aspects of spiritual formation and development of children from birth-5th grade. […] The post Children’s Pasto... »

The 1 Thing Every Executive Must Understand About Social Media

The 1 Thing Every Executive Must Understand About Social Media

Social media is still in its infancy, and many business executives still don’t understand how to Ieverage it for their organizations, large or small. They’re too focused on the talking, and not focused enough on the listening. When I speak, I often begin by asking my audience, “How many of you know at least one executive who doesn’t fully understand the business value of Tw... »

Day Eighteen = The Source of Evil (40 day fasting challenge)

Day Eighteen = The Source of Evil For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. (1 John 5:4) The next piece of the armor of God that we come to is the Shield. The shield trad... »